Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thriving In Chaos Goddess

It's me!!!!! I am finally, finally, finally available to my goddess girls to blog and bitch my way through this adventure in Hungary. I have had three weeks of next to no Internet, and whenever I did have it, the language settings were in Hungarian, so I could not access this blog. Sooooo.... I finally have Internet in my flat and I am on my trusty green laptop typing away!

I don't even know how to begin getting you all caught up on the past three weeks, so I am going to keep this entry brief and direct you to my travel blog, There is a super long update there, with more to come. I will reserve this goddess blog for the more personal stuff that you girls want to hear about, such as friendships out here and funny guy stories.

Love and miss you both. Do we need some more goddesses on here or what???

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